Some Service Improvements

Short Version

\n\nAs of today, this site’s using a fancy schmancy cloud thingy to improve speed. It will take a while for it to suck all the site’s content up into the cloud.\n\n

Longer Version

\n\nThe server I have (which is better than the one this project started with almost a year ago) has been creaking under the load as my main site has been slammed with highest-ever traffic (about 10x normal traffic) two days in a row.\n\nThat’s only going to get worse, so I’m looking into some other options. However, moving too soon is what got me into this mess: I clearly underbought, but that’s partly because my plans for my sites have changed during that time. The other factor is that I waited too late and had to move quickly, so I didn’t put the effort into the research that I should have.\n\nOne of the things I desperately need more of? Disk space, which is one reason why certain things I’ve wanted to do for this site haven’t gotten done. We’re now moving in that direction….\n\nMeanwhile, I’ve added this fancy schmancy cloud thingy (CDN, aka content delivery network), which will mean that some of you, oh, possibly those of you in Australia, will receive this web site from Sydney, not California. On a typical day, 1/3 to 1/2 of you visit from Australia, so this is good news for you. Typically, 1/4 to 1/3 of each day’s visitors are from the United States, and the rest of you are all over the place.\n\nThe rest of the world, well, there are now 14 closer locations to get this site from, including a South American server. (Hello, Brazil! Nice to see you on the traffic map.)
