Satisfaction (2010)

\n “If I fucked you, you would know about it.”\n






Australia DVD (Region 4), both in the Series 3 standalone DVD and the box set of the full show.
USA Hulu Plus. “Staples, Guns, and Roses” direct link and “Playthings” direct link.

\n\nSatisfaction’s a show about a brothel in Melbourne. Ryan’s two guest appearances, as character Steve: Season 3, episodes 6 “Staples, Guns, and Roses” and 7 “Playthings”.\n\nSteve and Sean, one of the brothel staff, go out for a night of partying including drinking, cocaine, and two women; both men are straight. Sean, however, wakes up with a sore backside, leading to a hilariously awkward conversation between Sean and Steve.\n\nryan-satis0306-1\n\nryan-satis0307-1
